
West Shore Bank Wealth team members

A system that goes beyond integrity and expertise.

Your assets are always protected through an extensive system of internal and external oversight designed to ensure that our fiduciary standard is always maintained.

Each of the following independent groups regularly monitor our performance against our stated policies, procedures and best practices.


Board of Directors

  • Has overall authority and responsibility of wealth management operations
  • Board members meet quarterly to monitor and oversee wealth management activities

Management Committees & Internal Audit

  • Management committee is appointed by the board of directors and meets monthly
  • Management committee is responsible for implementation and supervision of wealth management policies and procedures and daily activities

Internal and Independent External Auditor

  • Internal audits are frequently employed to review adherence to policies and procedures and to identify control weaknesses
  • An independent external auditor is hired annually to assist in overseeing and assessing wealth management internal controls and operational processes and procedures

State & Federal Examiners

  • Acting as a fiduciary, our primary duty is the management and care of our clients
  • Conduct periodic examinations to assess the safety and soundness of our operations